
Welcome to Gency’s ??, where Gency puts random stuff up for his friends. btw go away cuz there’s nothing here atm.

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22 Dec 2019 me Explanation of the Parted Hair Post

Short Description of The Picture

Me, randomly posing in a seemingly random alley and hallway with my hair parted. I wore an orange t-shirt with black skinny jeans.

My Movites :wink:

My friend, Virounika, really wanted me to start parting my hair because my hair was extremely long, and I didn’t know what haircut to get. I consulted with her, where she told me to part my hair. My other friend, Kathy also told me to part my hair, so then I parted my hair. I didn’t know whether or not I would look good with a parted hair, so I took pictures to see if I would look good with it.


I got to the mall, and had to meet up with the homegirl Kathy, but this time she was with her mom at WalMart. It was kind of scary while Kathy was taking pictures of me because her mother really wanted to go home and didn’t want to wait for Kathy to finish taking pictures of me. To get the poses I had, such as pointing at my own shadow, Kathy told me to do it and thought it was cool, so I did it. To take a picture of me in the bright-lit hallway, Kathy and I had to walk extremely quickly to the other side of the mall, to the point where her mother could no longer keep up, which was kind of difficult to bear with, since she was heated.


I took the pictures at the mall, met up with Kathy, posed with my hair parted wearing my favorite color (orange). Kathy’s mom was steaming and it was awkward.

Please let me know if I should fix anything. Thanks ;)



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gency (AT) thiswebsite